Getting Started
1. Always start a fire using hardwoods appropriate for fireplace use or for smoking meats or other foods. You may also use high-quality lump charcoal.
2. Do not use any chemical agents to ignite a fire. These chemicals can soak into the oven and affect the taste and quality of your food. Wax starter logs should also not be used. Do not use paper, garbage, or any treated or synthetic woods.
3. To begin using your StonehengeUS Pizza Oven start by placing smaller pieces of kindling wood in the middle of the oven and then add larger logs once the fire is ignited.
4. After the logs are ignited, allow the oven to reach the desired temperature which can be monitored using the temperature gauge located on the right side of your StonehengeUS Pizza Oven. Once the desired temperature is reached allow some time for the heat to be absorbed into the inner surfaces of the oven.
5. Once you have reached the desired temperature, the logs have a small flame and glowing embers, and the fire is under control carefully push the logs or coals to the back of the oven. You will then place your pizza directly on the floor of the oven, where the fire was started.
6. StonehengeUS Pizza Ovens include a convenient temperature gauge on the outside of the oven. You may also use an infrared thermometer to test the temperature. Ideal placement is typically the area where the fire was prior to being pushed to the rear of the oven.